Norman Johnson talks to Mary Morrison about the special role of the piper in many regiments in the First World War. He relates anecdotes heard from old soldiers in the war, and finishes with a special tune.
Norman Johnson talks to Mary Morrison about the special role of the piper in many regiments in the First World War. He relates anecdotes heard from old soldiers in the war, and finishes with a special tune.
Tormod MacIllEathain (1938 – 2017) `s e sgrìobhadair, neach-ciùil agus cleasaiche ioma-thàlantach a bha ann. Rugadh e an Glaschu le athair à Tiriodh agus a mhàthair à Uibhist a Tuath. Choisinn e an dà chuid, Crùnn a’ Bhàird agus am Bonn Òir aig Mòd…
Norman Maclean’s grandfather was lost at sea during the First World War, while his mother was still young. Here he recites the words of his own Gaelic song for the pupils of Sgoil Chàirinis, which his mother attended as a girl.
Norman Maclean’s grandfather was lost at sea during the First World War, while his mother was still young. Here he recites the words of his own Gaelic song for the pupils of Sgoil Chàirinis, which his mother attended as a girl.