Browse Items (4217 total)

Seal hunters encounter a seal man.

Seal hunters encounter a seal man.

Old customs such as Hogmanay.

Old customs such as Hogmanay.

Fr Allan's servant could recite his previous week's sermon.

Fr Allan's servant could recite his previous week's sermon.

Sometimes the sermon in Vallay had to be short to suit the tide.

Sometimes the sermon in Vallay had to be short to suit the tide.

The remarkable true story, told in Gaelic by Duncan Mackinnon, of Clyde the seafaring collie who found his own way home to Berneray all the way from Glasgow.

The remarkable true story, told in Gaelic by Duncan Mackinnon, of Clyde the seafaring collie who found his own way home to Berneray all the way from Glasgow.

Duncan Mackinnon adds more background detail in Gaelic about the song about the stallion that died swimming from Uist to Berneray, including a verse of his father’s poetry, and an insight into community rivalries on the island.

Duncan Mackinnon adds more background detail in Gaelic about the song about the stallion that died swimming from Uist to Berneray, including a verse of his father’s poetry, and an insight into community rivalries on the island.

An anecdote about Fr Allan trying to pull a mare out of the mud.

An anecdote about Fr Allan trying to pull a mare out of the mud.

A supernatural anecdote and information about a local storyteller.

A supernatural anecdote and information about a local storyteller.

A slim pipe used to dose and give medicine to sheep

metal form

metal form

metal form

3x metal forms, different sizes
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