Iain Eairdsidh MacAsgaill or the Bàrd Bheàrnaraigh (the Berneray Bard) was a Scottish poet and piper (19 February 1898 — 4 June 1934). He is also known as Iain Archie MacAskill and John Archie MacAskill.[1] His Gaelic genealogical name was…
Sgriobh Màiri NicIllEathain (1921-2004) sgeulachdan a bharrachd air bàrdachd agus chaidh a chiad leabhar aice Sunbeams and Starlight fhoillseachadh ann an Gàidhlig agus ann am Beurla ann 1947. Choisinn i Crùnn a Bhàird aig Mòd Nàiseanta Dhun Èideann…
Tha Dòmhnall Ruadh Dòmhnallach an luib na feadhainn as aithnichte (1887-1967) air eadar-dhealaichte bho chàch air an aon ainm leis an tiotal “Choruna”. Fhuair am baile an t-ainm a chionns gu robh a shinn-sheanair a’ sabaid anns a’ bhatal ainmeil sin…
Roderick Mackay of Illeray (1872-1949). Invalided out of the Cameron Highlanders in WW1 he turned his hand to many jobs. As with others, his poetry is noted for the richness of vocabulary, elegantly delivered. His work was published as Oiteagan à…
Trinity Temple - is the remains of a medieval monastery and college, founded by Beathag, daughter of Somerled. The building has been extended up to the 16th Century, but destroyed after the reformation. Again restored in the 19th Century by Dotair…