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Item ID Title Description Type
610 A. MacDonald Composer
3951 Aida Campbell Performer
3942 Alastair MacDonald Performer
2190 Alec Macaulay Performer
3969 Alen McCulloch Performer
553 Alex J MacLeod, Grimsay Performer
2102 Alexander MacAulay Performer,Radio
603 Alexander Stewart Composer
554 Alison NicCorcodail Performer
424 Andrew Laing Bard,Performer
2123 Angus Alick MacAulay Performer,Storyteller,Information
428 Angus Donald MacDonald, Tigharry Bard
847 Angus Harding Performer
2142 Angus MacAulay Composer
613 Angus MacDonald Composer,Performer
122 Angus MacDonald (Aonghas a Phost Oifis) Singer
2109 Angus MacDougall Performer
2118 Angus MacKenzie Performer,Storyteller
2132 Angus MacLean Performer
104 Angus MacLellan Bard,Performer
2131 Angus MacLeod Performer,Storyteller,Information,Radio
623 Angus Macdonald
555 Anna Black Performer
556 Anna MacIain Performer
624 Anna NicilleDhuibh
105 Anndra Laing Bard
557 Aonghas Alig MacDhomhnaill Performer
558 Aonghas MacDhòmhnaill (Aonghas a' Phost Oifis) Performer
4280 Arabella Manchester
4270 Archibald Lindsay
2200 Archie Campbell Performer
827 Archie MacNeill Composer
850 Barbara MacLean Performer
2107 Beatag Morrison Performer,Radio
4237 Betty
559 Billy Performer
828 Blair Douglas Composer
821 Cailean MacLean Performer
822 Caitaidh MacLean Performer
138 Calum Campbell (piper) Piper
560 Calum Iain MacCorcodail Performer
2110 Calum MacDonald Performer
4105 Calum Mackintosh
4239 Carinish Primary School Pupils
4242 Cataidh
2191 Catherine Laing Performer
4293 Catherine Wells
120 Cathy Laing Singer,Performer
4234 Catriona
3978 Catriona Black Performer
561 Catriona Garbutt Performer
3861 Chairnish Choir Performer
2098 Chirsty MacPherson Performer,Storyteller
2112 Christina MacKinnon Performer
3916 Christine Rintoul Performer
823 Ciorstaidh MacLean Performer
625 Còmhlan Thaigh Chearsabhagh
606 Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna Composer
620 D. MacDonald Composer
618 Dena Graham Composer
562 Derek MacGilleathain Performer
840 Derek MacIntosh Performer
119 Derek Macintosh Singer
626 Doireann Marks Performer
605 Domhnall Ruadh Chorùna Composer
563 Domhnall Ruaraidh Caimbeul Performer
2115 Donald Alasdair MacLellan Performer,Storyteller,Composer
2117 Donald Alick MacDonald Performer,Storyteller
609 Donald Allan MacDonald Composer
2119 Donald Allan MacDougall Performer,Information
2113 Donald Angie MacLennan Performer,Radio
134 Donald Archie MacDonald Collector,Performer,Storyteller
849 Donald Ewen MacDonald Performer,Storyteller
2133 Donald MacAulay Performer,Storyteller,Information
2194 Donald MacCormick Performer
103 Donald MacDonald Tha Dòmhnall Ruadh Dòmhnallach an luib na feadhainn as aithnichte (1887-1967) air eadar-dhealaichte bho chàch air an aon ainm leis an tiotal “Choruna”. Fhuair am baile an t-ainm a chionns gu robh a shinn-sheanair a’ sabaid anns a’ bhatal ainmeil sin agus choinnich e ris a’ bhean sa Spainn. Ged a sgrìobh an Dòmhnallach mu iomadh chuspair `s ann airson bàrdachd a chogaidh mhòir as fhèarr a tha cuimhne air. Tha a’ bhàrdachd Òran Arras a tha mu dheidhinn daoine a’ caismeachd gu bàs nas neartaile leis cho simplidh `s a tha i air a sgrìobhadh ach `s e an t-òran gaoil gun bhuannachd An Eala Bhàn an t-òran à Uibhist a Tuath as measail aig daoine chun an latha an-diugh. Coimhead suas Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna (CEUT 1995). Sgrìobh a cho-ogha Dòmhnall Ailean Dòmhnallach an t-òran gaoil as cliùtich à Uibhist a Deas Gruagach Òg an Fhuilt Bhàin) One of the most famous is ‘Red’ Donald MacDonald (1887-1967) distinguished from others of the same name by the designation ‘of Coruna’. The name was given to his township because his great grandfather had fought in the famous battle and met his wife in Spain. Although MacDonald composed on many subjects, he is particularly remembered for his WW1 poetry. The poem Oran Arras describing men marching to their deaths is all the more powerful for its apparent simplicity but his song of unrequited love The White Swan is arguably the most popular North Uist song to this day. See Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna (CEUT 1995). (His cousin Donald Allan MacDonald composed South Uist’s most famous love song Gruagach Òg an Fhuilt Bhàin) Bard,Composer,Performer
628 Donald MacLean Performer,Storyteller
564 Donald MacLean, Balemore Performer
430 Donald MacLean, Balmartin Bard
432 Donald MacLellan, Tulach Àrd, Tigharry Bard
2085 Donald MacLellan, Tulach Àrd, Tigharry
612 Donald MacLeod Composer
2128 Donald R. MacDonald Performer,Storyteller,Information
829 Donald Shaw MacLeod Composer
565 Donna NicNeacaill Performer
629 Donnchadh MacFhionghain
824 Donnie Macdonald Performer
3818 Donnie Munro Composer
135 Dr John Macinnes John MacInnes by Catriona MacInnes Rugadh Iain MacAonghais ann am mansa Bhaile na Cille ann an Ùige Leòdhais. ’S e fear do chlann Aonghais às an Eilean Sgìtheanaich a bha na athair, Ruairidh Mòr agus bha a’ mhàthair, Mòrag NicAsgaill à Cladach Circeaboist ann an Uibhist a Tuath. Nuair a bha m’ athair ochd bliadhna dh’aois ghluais an teaghlach a Ratharsaigh agus chuir e eòlas air dualchas cultarail sònraichte bràithrean athair air taobh Chlann Aonghais. Nuair a bha e na dhuin’ òg, a’ fàs suas agus a mhothaich e air mar a bha Gàidhlig a’ bàsachadh agus an cultar ga chall air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, dh’fhàs miann làidir ann beul-aithris a chruinneachadh. Thug seo air sgeulachdan, òrain, creideamhan agus ainmean-àite a chruinneachadh bho air feadh Alba agus bha ùidh aige bho thùs ann an Gàidhlig Shiorrachd Pheairt agus Ghallaibh. Bha ùidh m’ athair ann am beul-aithris Uibhist a Tuath riamh làidir agus chùm e air a’ tadhal air cuideachd a’ mhàthar air taobh an iar Uibhist a Tuath. Aig toiseach na 1960an bha m’ athair ag obair còmhla ri luchd-falbhain le Gàidhlig agus champaich an teaghlach againn còmhla riutha ann an Solas an Uibhist a Tuath. Bha meas mòr aig m’ athair agus mo mhàthair air an luchd-falbhain agus chòrd an ùine a chuir iad seachad na measg le m’ athair le “leithid do dh’uaisleachd, blàths is cultair.” `S ann mun àm seo a chuir piuthar màthair mo mhàthair, à Beàrnaraigh, fios mu thogalach fàsaichte agus croit gan reic, ann am Bàgh a’ Chàise air taobh an ear thuath Uibhist a Tuath. Bha na daoine a bha a’ fuireach anns an sgìre air an ath-àiteach bho na h-eileanan ann an Caolas na Hearadh agus chuireadh fàilte air mo mhàthair, bha màthair fhèin à Bèarnaraigh, a dh’aineoin cion Gàidhlig. Bha an còmhnaidh beannachadh, deoch agus biadh an luib cèilidh. Dh’ionnsaich mi gu math òg cho luachmhor `s a bha an cleachdadh, a bhith roinn agus cho cudromach `s a bha am beul-aithris Gàidhlig a bha mi a’ cluinntinn. Uaireannan bheireadh m’ athair a-mach uidheam clàraidh agus, mar a bha an ùine a’ ruith, a theip-chlàradair agus gheibheadh sgeulachd no òran àite agus urram ann an tasglann Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba, far an robh e air a bhith ag obair bho na 1950an. Gu tric bhiodh e a’ còmhradh ri seann daoine a bha e airson a chlàradh ann an Uibhist a Tuath agus Deas. Uaireannan bha e a’ call an cothrom agus bhiodh e a’ caoidh na bha air a chall de stòras chultar a bha air sìoladh air falbh leis an t-seann ghinealach. Bha meas mòr aig m’ athair air an dùthaich, an saoghal nàdarra eadar-fhighte le creideamh miotasach. Bha ùidh mhòr aige cuideachd ann a bhith ag obrachadh na talmhainn ann an dòighean thraidiseanta agus sheasmhach. Thionndaidh e a làmh gu bhith a’ feuchainn ri craobhan fhàs as dèidh dha na h-eich Èirisgeach a chall, cha do mhair iad an droch gheamhradh. Chleachd e seann chas-chrom a’ gearradh feamainn airson todhar air a’ chroit, far an robh e sìor shabaid ris an t-sìde. Nuair a thill mi a dh’fhuireach gu Na Ceannmhor ann an 2019, dh’ iarr mi air sloinneadh cuideachd a’ mhàthar a dhèanamh agus thug e dhomh sreath no dhà air an dà thaobh a’ dol air ais coig no sia ginealaich, sgrìobhte air duilleagan mo leabhar-latha, mun do dh’fhalbh mi. Chaochail e gu h-aithghearr mìos às dèidh sin air an 10mh den Chèitean 2019 aig aois 89. Tha a spiorad maireannach fhathast ri fhaicinn aig ceann rathad Na Ceannmhor anns na craobhan àrda a tha a-nis a’ cuartachadh an taighe a’ toirt am fasgadh seachad a rinn e a dhìcheal ri thoirt gu buil. Iain MacAonghuis / John MacInnes was born in Uig in Lewis in the manse at Baile na Cille. His father, Ruairi Mor, was a MacInnes from the Isle of Skye and his mother Morag, a MacAskill from Claddach Kirkibost in North Uist. The family moved to Raasay when my father was eight years old and he became familiar with his specific cultural heritage from his father's uncles on the MacInnes side. My father's desire to gather the oral tradition, as he grew into a young man, became increasingly important to him, as he realised and witnessed the demise of Gaelic and thus the loss of the culture in the Highlands of Scotland. This led him to gather stories, songs, beliefs and place names from all over Scotland and he cultivated an early interest in Perthshire and Caithness Gaelic. My father's interest in the oral tradition from North Uist, however, remained particularly strong and he continued to visit his mother's people on the west side of North Uist. In the early 1960s my father worked with Gaelic speaking Travelling People and, as a family, we camped with them in Solas in North Uist. My father and mother had huge respect for the Travellers and my father described enjoying greatly their time spent with "such dignity, warmth and culture". It was then that my mother's aunt from Berneray drew attention to a derelict house for sale on a croft in Cheesebay / Bagh a Chaise in the North East of North Uist. The area had been re-settled by people largely from the islands in the Sound of Harris and my mother, whose mother was from Berneray, felt immediately welcomed despite her lack of spoken Gaelic. The ceilidh was often a simple visit, but always involved a blessing, a drink and food. I learnt as early as I can remember the tremendous value of the ritual, the sharing and the importance of the Gaelic oral tradition I was hearing. At times my father would bring out his reel to reel and, as time passed, his tape recorder, to give a story or song its place and value in the Archive of the School of Scottish Studies, where he had worked since the 1950s. Often he would speak of older people across North and South Uist whom he wanted to tape. Sometimes he missed the opportunity and expressed his sadness at the passing away of a wealth of culture with the older generation. My father passed on his love of place, the natural world and mythical belief interwoven. He also had a great interest in the practicalities of traditional ways of working in a sustainable way with the land. After what he described as a disastrous experiment with Eriskay ponies, who didn’t survive a harsh winter, he turned to experiment with growing trees. He used an old cas-chrom to cut seaweed to fertilise the land on the croft, where he continuously battled with the weather. When I returned to live at Na Ceannmhor in 2019, I asked him to write the 'sloinneadh' of his mother’s people and he gave me a few strands on both sides, going back five or six generations, which he wrote in the pages of my diary before I left. It was only one month later that he suddenly passed away on the 10th May 2019 at the age of 89. His enduring spirit remains at the end of the road at Na Ceannmhor in the tall trees that now encircle the house with the shelter he endeavoured to provide Collector
830 Duncan Johnson Composer
3873 Duncan Johnson Composer
831 Duncan Johnstone Composer
125 Duncan MacKinnon Singer,Performer
2196 Duncan Mackinnon Performer
566 Dunnchadh MacFhioghain Performer
2125 Dunskellar Primary School Performer
627 Dòmhnall Seathach
832 Edward Christopher Sheeran Composer
630 Eilidh Lamb
631 Ellen NicDhòmhnaill
2111 Emma MacInnes Performer
3983 Ena MacDonald Performer
3931 Ena MacDonald Performer
3927 Euna Henderson Performer
2195 Ewen MacAskill Performer
632 Ewen MacDonald
633 Ewen Morrison Performer,Storyteller
434 Ewen Morrison, Grenitote and Paiblesgarry Bard
833 Fergie MacDonald Composer
2127 Finlay MacPhail Performer
2106 Finlay Morrison Performer
567 Fiona Nic Dhòmhnaill Performer
568 Fiona NicAmhlaigh Performer
634 Fionnlagh Mac a’ Phiocair
133 Fred MacAulay Fred MacAmhlaigh (1925-2003) à Sollas, fear aig an robh buaidh mhòr air craoladh Gàidhlig agus a rinn barrachd air duine sam bith eile gus a’ leudachadh ann an caochladh dhòighean. Cha do thuigear cho cudromach `s a bha a bhàrdachd gus an do chaochail e. Ged is e nua-bhàrdachd a tha anns a’ chuid as motha tha e fior-bhunaichte ann an cultar tradaiseanta Uibhist a Tuath air an robh e cho miosail. Coimhead suas Fear do Mhuinntir Sholais (Acair 2021) Fred Macaulay (1925-2003) from Sollas was an enormously influential figure who did more than anyone to broaden the output and variety of Gaelic broadcasting. The importance of his poetry was only realised after his death. Most of his work is in a modern idiom but it is genuinely rooted in the traditional culture of the North Uist he loved so much. See Fear do Mhuinntir Sholais (Acair 2021) Collector
635 Fred Macaulay
4240 Gaelic Choir
4294 Hamish Henderson
2086 Hector Mackinnon
285 Hector Mackinnon Bha a cho-aoiseach Eachann MacFhionaghain à Bearnaraigh(1886-1954) e fhèin anns a’ chogadh mhòr – ach anns a nèibhidh. Nuair a thàinig e beò às a’ bhàta aige a chaidh fogha anns na Dardanelles ann an 1915, thug e buidheachas seachad le bhith a’ cleachdadh a’ ghibht airson laoidhean a sgrìobhadh. Thugadh am fear as fhèarr a dh’aithichear An Neamhnaid Luachmhor mar tiotal air an leabhar dhan sgrìobhadh aige (Stornoway Religious Bookshop 1990). His contemporary, Hector Mackinnon of Berneray(1886-1954) also served in WW1 – but in the navy. When he survived the sinking of his ship in the Dardanelles in 1915, he gave thanks by turning his gift to the composition of hymns. One of the best known is An Neamhnaid Luachmhor which gave title to the book of his work (Stornoway Religious Bookshop 1990). Bard
845 Helen Morrison Performer
825 Helen Smith Performer
636 Hugh Matheson Performer
569 Hugh Matheson - Uisdean Sheumais Bhàin Performer
2087 Hugh Matheson - Uisdean Sheumais Bhàin Performer
438 Hugh Matheson, Baleshare Bard
637 Iain Crawford
281 Iain Mac Fhearchair Anns an ochdamh linn deug, bha Iain MacCodruim (a bha aithnichte airson eirmseachd) air fear dha na bàird-cinnidh mu dheireadh le cùl-taic bho Sir Seumas MacDhòmhnaill, ceann-cinnidh Clann Dòmhnaill Shlèibhte. Chaidh leabhar ioma-chuimseach dha bhàrdachd The Songs of John MacCodrum (Sc. Gaelic Texts Society 1938) a chlàradh air eadar-theangachadh leis an t-Urramach Uilleam MacMhathainn. Chan e a-mhàin gun do bhrosnaich MacCodruim bàird a thàinig as a dhèidh ann an Uibhist a Tuath agus Deas ach ’s e a rinn cinnteach gu robh cuid de fìor bhàrdach Oiseanach air an glèidheadh a-staigh dhan fhicheadamh linn. In the 18th century, John MacCodrum (famous for his quickness of wit) became one of the last clan bards thanks to the patronage of Sir James MacDonald, chief of Clan Donald of Sleat. A comprehensive volume of his work The Songs of John MacCodrum (Sc. Gaelic Texts Society 1938) was published with translations by the Rev William Matheson. MacCodrum not only proved a source of inspiration to many of his successors throughout both North and South Uist but was also instrumental in their preserving a number of authentic Ossianic ballads into the 20th century. Bard
2197 Iain Trimsgarry Performer
137 Isa MacKillop Teacher
2192 Isa MacKillop Performer
570 Isa NicIllip Performer
3993 Iseabal Daniel Performer
316 Jackie Kay Bard
652 James Bold
2136 James Robertson Performer,Storyteller
2138 James Robertson Performer
2108 James Shirran Performer
2105 Jane MacPhail Performer
3922 Janet MacDonald Performer
118 Janice Simpson Singer,Performer
2082 Joanne Murray
2126 John Alick MacPherson Performer,Storyteller,Information,Radio
2141 John Angus Macinnes Performer
2116 John Ferguson Performer,Storyteller,Information
108 John MacAskill Iain Eairdsidh MacAsgaill or the Bàrd Bheàrnaraigh (the Berneray Bard) was a Scottish poet and piper (19 February 1898 — 4 June 1934). He is also known as Iain Archie MacAskill and John Archie MacAskill.[1] His Gaelic genealogical name was Iain-Eirdsidh Dhòmhnaill Thormoid-Shaighdeir ("John Archie son of Donald son of Norman the soldier."). Bard
571 John MacBain, Knockintorran Performer
841 John MacCorquodale Performer,Storyteller
2139 John MacLean Performer
2097 John MacLean Performer,Radio
572 John MacLean, Horisary
2124 John MacRury Performer
608 John Matheson Composer
2188 John Smith Performer
123 Julie Fowlis Singer
2134 Kate MacCormick Performer
573 Kenneth Campbell Performer
574 Lachlan MacDougall, Knockline Performer
2129 Lachlan MacLellan Performer,Storyteller,Information
575 Lariana Pauli Performer
121 Linda Macleod Singer
4236 Liza
607 M. Macleod Composer
2084 MacInnes, Marion
576 Mairi Laing Performer
106 Mairi MacLean (Na Buaile) Sgriobh Màiri NicIllEathain (1921-2004) sgeulachdan a bharrachd air bàrdachd agus chaidh a chiad leabhar aice Sunbeams and Starlight fhoillseachadh ann an Gàidhlig agus ann am Beurla ann 1947. Choisinn i Crùnn a Bhàird aig Mòd Nàiseanta Dhun Èideann ann an 1951 a’ moladh Beinn Eubhal. Thug i gealladh pòsadh don bhàrd ainmeil à Uibhist a Deas, Dòmhnall Iain Dòmhnallach. Bha i airson a bhith neo-eismealachd ge-tà agus brist i an gealladh pòsaidh ann an 1954. Ged a phòs an Dòmhnallach an ath bhliadhna, cha do phòs i riamh ach bha buaidh mhòr aice air obair. Chì Mi (Acair 2021) Mary Maclean (1921-2004) wrote stories as well as poetry and published her first book of poems in Gaelic and English as Sunbeams and Starlight in 1947. She won the Bardic Crown at the National Mod in Edinburgh in 1951 with a tribute to Ben Eval. She was engaged to well-known South Uist bard Donald John MacDonald. However, she was reluctant to lose her independence and broke off the engagement in 1954. Although MacDonald married the next year, she never did - but remained a major influence on his work. See Chì Mi (Acair 2021) Bard
577 Mairi Mairead NicIlleathain Performer
3913 Mairi Morrison Performer
578 Mairi NicGilleathain Performer
2137 Malcolm Robertson Performer,Storyteller,Information
2103 Margaret Callan Performer
615 Margaret Macdonald Composer
834 Margaret Martin-Hardie Composer
842 Marion MacInnes Performer
848 Mary Ann MacInnes Performer
2099 Mary Ann MacLeod Performer,Storyteller
2185 Mary Morrison Performer
2187 Marybell Macintyre Performer
579 Millar Dòmhnallach Performer
638 Miss Bella MacPhail
440 Miss Bella MacPhail, Dun Chèirein (Claddach Carinish) and Lochmaddy Bard
2088 Miss Bella MacPhail, Dun Chèirein (Claddach Carinish) and Lochmaddy
639 Miss Kate MacCormick
640 Miss Margaret MacLeod
4235 Morag
4001 Morag Harding Performer
580 Morag NicNeacail Performer
2089 Morag NicNeacail (Morag Ruaraidh Ailein Performer
581 Morag NicNeacail (Morag Ruaraidh Ailein)
582 Morag NicNeacaill Performer
651 Morag Nicholson
2083 Morrison, Ewen
641 Mrs Helen Morrison
436 Mrs Helen Morrison, Balranald and Paiblesgarry Bard
2101 Mrs Kate MacAulay Performer,Radio
446 Mrs Katie Macaulay, Balmartin Bard
843 Mrs MacLeod Performer
642 Mrs Marion Ann MacDonald
450 Mrs Marion Ann MacDonald, Kyles Paible and Carnach Bard
643 Mrs Rachel MacLeod
444 Mrs Rachel MacLeod, Berneray and Àird Heidhsgeir Bard
2090 Mrs Rachel MacLeod, Berneray and Àird Heidhsgeir
622 N. Macleod Composer
583 Na Deasamh Performer
602 Name
2100 Neil Ferguson Performer,Radio
2114 Neil MacDonald Performer,Storyteller
844 Neil MacVicar Performer,Information
124 Neillie Ferguson Singer
4233 Niall
584 Niall MacFhearghais Performer
585 Niall MacFhearghais (Neillie Dhòmhnall Alasdair) Performer
2091 Niall MacFhearghais )Neillie Dhòmhnall Alasdair) Performer
107 Nic Coiseam Bard
2193 Norman Johnson Performer
835 Norman MacDonald Composer
2121 Norman MacLean Performer
286 Norman Maclean Tormod MacIllEathain (1938 – 2017) `s e sgrìobhadair, neach-ciùil agus cleasaiche ioma-thàlantach a bha ann. Rugadh e an Glaschu le athair à Tiriodh agus a mhàthair à Uibhist a Tuath. Choisinn e an dà chuid, Crùnn a’ Bhàird agus am Bonn Òir aig Mòd Glaschu ann an 1967 a’ bharrachd air a bhith a’ farpais aig an ìre a b’ àirde ann am pìobaireachd, rud a bha na euchd sònraichte. Bha an stoidhle sgrìobhaidh shìmplidh a’ ciallachadh gun robh an t-uamhas dha na nobhailean Gàidhlig aige gan ceannach agus, dìreach mar nam bàrd thradaiseanta, bha a bhàrdachd air a brosnachadh le ceòl agus air a sgrìobhadh airson a h-aithris. Bhe e ainmeil ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig na chomaic, neach-atharrais agus agus cleasaiche air an telebhisean. Chuir e seachad na bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh dha bheatha ann an Griomsaigh. Norman Maclean (1938 – 2017) was a multi-talented writer, musician and performer. Born in Glasgow of a Tiree father and a North Uist mother. At the 1967 Glasgow Mod he accomplished the remarkable feat of winning both the Bardic Crown and Gold medal for singing at the Glasgow Mod and also competing at the highest level in piping. His easy writing style made best sellers of his Gaelic novels and, as with traditional bards, his poetry was inspired by music and composed for recitation. He gained great popularity in the Gaelic world as a comedian, mimic and actor on TV. His last years were spent on Grimsay. Bard,Performer
836 P. MacFarquhar
2092 Padruig Morrison
586 Paruig MacAoidh Performer
587 Patrick Hughes Performer
318 Pauline Prior Pitt Bard
2104 Peggy MacDonald Performer
588 Peigi Lexy Chaimbeul Performer
4230 Penny Burgess
4238 Peter Cooper
3872 Peter MacFarquhar Composer
2130 Peter Morrison Performer,Storyteller,Information
589 Piper Performer
590 Pol MacCaluim Performer
644 Pàdruig Moireasdan
616 R. MacKay Composer
611 R.Mackay Composer
2122 Rachel Morrison Performer,Information
591 Raghall Iain Dòmhnallach Performer
132 Rev William Matheson William Matheson (Gaelic: Uilleam MacMhathain, 25 August 1910 - 30 November 1995) was a Scottish Gaelic scholar, academic, and ordained minister of the Church of Scotland. Collector
592 Rev. Ronald Morrison, Bayhead Performer
2135 Rev. William Matheson Performer
442 Rev. William Matheson, Malaclete and Edinburgh Bard
645 Robert John MacAonghais
2093 Robert John MacInnes
837 Robert R. Pinkman Composer
621 Roddy Mackay Composer
102 Roderick MacAulay Bard,Performer
2140 Roderick MacAulay Performer
647 Roderick MacDonald Performer,Storyteller
448 Roderick MacDonald, Carnach Bard
101 Roderick MacKay Roderick Mackay of Illeray (1872-1949). Invalided out of the Cameron Highlanders in WW1 he turned his hand to many jobs. As with others, his poetry is noted for the richness of vocabulary, elegantly delivered. His work was published as Oiteagan à Tìr nan Og (1938) for the Uist & Barra Association and, fittingly, his song of tribute to Comunn Uibhist agus Bharraidh is one of his most popular songs. Bard
646 Roderick Macaulay
846 Ronald Iain MacDonald Performer,Radio
426 Ronald Iain MacDonald, Balmartin Bard
648 Ronald John MacDonald
614 Rory Campbell Composer
619 Rory Campbell Composer
3855 Ruairidh MacAoidh Composer
593 Ruaraidh MacAoidh Performer
594 Ruaraidh MacGillinnein Performer
4292 Sara Miller
136 Seonaidh Ailig MacPherson Collector
649 Seonaidh Mac an t-Saoir
2094 Seonaidh MacIntyre
595 Seumas A Dòmhnallach Performer
2199 Sheena Stewart Performer
596 Simon MacDhòmhnaill Performer
597 Sineag MacAoidh/Iain Sutherland Performer
598 Sounds Of Kilpheadair Performer
2198 Story Group at Balivanich School Performer
838 Terry Tully Composer
650 The Band From Rockall
3823 Thomas Moore Composer
826 Tom Òg Marks Performer
604 Trad Composer
599 Uisdean MacMhathain Performer
4008 Uisdean Robertson Performer
600 Uisean MacMhathain (Uisean Sheumais) Performer
2120 William Boyd Performer,Storyteller,Information
3832 William Lawrie Composer
617 William Mackenzie Composer
839 William Rose Composer
601 William Stewart, Malaclete Performer
2189 Willie Macdonald Performer